Monday, May 23, 2011

Knitted Mosquito

Hi everyone! We've been having lovely weather here in Cobalt. I finally got to put my garden (such as it is) out on the balcony. My cucumbers are all of 1/4" long lol. Everything is growing fine. And I have been busy walking around Cobalt taking dozens of photos. And knitting a  mosquito in several different variations, one of which I have for you today.

I tried different ways to make the mosquito's "needle" and this way was the simplest but I'm not quite happy with it. I also came up with various ways to make the legs and wings but am still working on ways to make them better. Got a few more ideas to try.

I want to make a standing version and have an idea for it which I will try with a smaller mosquito as this guy is too big for it to work. Look for more knitted mosquito variations in the weeks to come as well as other creepy crawlies as I have more in the works.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Knitted Black Fly

Hi all!  Well spring has finally come to Cobalt. Yay!  The weather is perfect and if I had my way it would stay like this until fall.

Here is the black fly I mentioned last Monday. I always tell everyone that the black flies up here have teeth as they can really chew the heck out of you. Then until the bites heal it looks like you have some kind of nasty skin disease. Oh they're terrible little toothed beasties for certain.

For the black fly wings I used this sparkly yarn. The body was knitted with a slightly fuzzy yarn which I thought was black when I started knitting and I didn't realize until I was finished that it was a very dark blue.

I used the same pattern as I did for the bumble bee wings and  stiffened them with tacky glue. This time I sewed the two wings together before I attached them.The legs are simply lengths of yarn run through the bottom and stiffened with clear nail polish. Two little beady eyes and the teeth completed the black fly. I hope you enjoy this little critter. See you all next Monday.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Knitted Bumble Bee

Hi everybody. Just a quick post today to show you the first in a line of knitted insects. Today I have a cute knitted bumble bee. It didn't turn out as nicely as I hoped, but, hey! one learns from ones mistakes. The next critter will be better and I will make an improved version of the bumble bee as well. Check back in a few days.

The wings were fussy to make. I stiffened them with diluted tacky glue and when that didn't quite work the way I wanted I used clear fingernail polish.

The legs were stiffened with glue and the antennas with clear nail polish. But they were way harder to attach than I expected. Argh! And all the parts are not exactly placed either. It seemed so simple on paper lol.

The next ones will be better. I came up with alternate ways to do the wings, legs and antennas. Hope they turn out better.