Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Knitted Doll Pattern

Sorry I wasn't here last Tuesday as promised. I was struck down by a killer headache and then had to deal with some family problems. But here is the pattern finally. If you have any problems or questions please contact me and I will do my best to help you.

Doll Pattern

I used worsted yarn held double and 4.5 mm needles. The gauge is 20 sts and 26 rows  to 4"  The doll is knitted in stocking stitch throughout.


Make two pieces

Cast on 10 sts
Knit 1 row
Purl 1 row
Inc 1 st at each end of the next 2 knit rows
Knit even for 4 1/2"
Cast off


Cast on10 sts
Knit 1 row
Purl 1 row
(k1, inc in next st ) 5x
Purl 1 row
(k2, inc in next st) 5x
Knit even for 9 rows
(k3, k2 tog) 4x
Purl 1 row
K 2 tog across
Cut yarn, thread end on needle and draw through the 8 sts and draw together and secure tightly


Cast on14 sts
Knit even for 4 1/2"
Change to shoe color
Knit even for 1/2"
Knit 2 tog across
Cut yarn, thread end on needle and  draw sts together and secure tightly


Cast on10 sts
Knit 2 1/2" even
Switch to face color for hand
Knit even for 1/2"
Knit 2 tog across
Cut yarn, thread end on needle, draw sts together and secure tightly.

Yarn Wig

Cut a 4" by 3" piece of cardboard and wrap the yarn around the 3" width several times. Then back stitch across the yarn in the middle on one side. This secures the yarn and makes a part. Then turn the cardboard over and cut the yarn along the middle as shown in photo. Glue with tacky glue to the dolls head, arranging the yarn to frame the face. Once the glue is dry trim the ends to make them even. You can cut bangs if you wish.

Here is the poem that went with the doll when it was given as a frustration doll. It's bit wild but then I have a weird sense of humor. Just so you know. Don't say you haven't been warned.

When you want to tear your hair
Or toss a certain person out
When you can't say what you want
And you really need to shout
Just grab this doll instead
And slam it all about
Or twist its little neck
Or trample it with your feet
Or imagine if you wish
Tossing it on the street
And running it over with your bus
Many times
Back and forth
Over and over again.

Then when you're feeling better
Just continue on your way
And nothing else will bother you
For the rest of your day.

Oh and just so you know, no passengers were harmed. Ever. Honest.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Simple Knitted Doll

Today I have a simple knitted doll. A good pattern for beginners to make. It is easy with just the basic stitches. Knit, purl, increase and decrease. The face is just a few quick stitches but you can use felt pieces for the features. Beads or googly eyes. The hair is a yarn 'wig' which can be sewn or glued on.

I first made this pattern as a frustration doll for a gift and also wrote a funny poem to go with it. It was for the same person who I gave the voodoo doll to. I will post the pattern and poem next Tuesday. I need to write it out so it makes sense first. The way I write out the patterns when I am developing them won't make sense to anyone else. Heck, if it's a pattern I haven't worked on for a few months it takes me some time to remember what the cryptic notes and doodles are supposed to represent.

My next projects will take me away from dolls and toys for awhile. Felted bags, recycled jewelry and fashion doll clothes and accessories are next on my list.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Knitted Voodoo Dolls

Living in a small town is different than living in a big city. I mean, where else can you find a voodoo doll on the dashboard of a public transit bus? It came about this way. One of the transit drivers was getting stressed by certain passengers and as a joke said "I wish I had a voodoo doll." So I went home and knitted one and gave it to him as  a joke gift along with some needles. The next day that voodoo doll was velcroed to the dash. And it has been there ever since. A lot of the bus riders got a big kick out of the doll. And you thought small towns are boring!

Fast forward to yesterday when an acquaintance asked me if I could knit two voodoo dolls for her. So here they are plus a photo of the original one.

No persons were harmed by the voodoo dolls by the way. Just so you know.