Monday, November 29, 2010

Knitted Rat

Christmas always comes too soon but this year I am busier than any other year in the past what with writing weekly houseplant articles for BellaOnline and taking courses. I haven't had time to start on anything for Christmas yet. I did finally finish this knitted rat yesterday. He can stand on his own which was a nice surprise when I was posing him for his photos. I couldn't resist taking him with me yesterday when I went out for a coffee to show him off. He was a big hit. I hope you will enjoy my knitted rat too. He was a lot of fun to make. I used the knitted mouse pattern as a starting point and made adjustments as I went along to make a rat. The pattern was perfect the first try. I wish they would all be that easy.

 I have experimented some with the foot design but I stayed with this one since this design allows him to be freestanding. One of the other designs with some tweaking will be suitable as a pattern for a hand which I can use when I get around to knitting the dolls next year. There are a lot of animals and dolls I will be knitting next year once the holidays are over and things calm down again. I will share them with you. Also my jewelry and beadwork designs. TTFN

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