Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Knitted Voodoo Dolls

Living in a small town is different than living in a big city. I mean, where else can you find a voodoo doll on the dashboard of a public transit bus? It came about this way. One of the transit drivers was getting stressed by certain passengers and as a joke said "I wish I had a voodoo doll." So I went home and knitted one and gave it to him as  a joke gift along with some needles. The next day that voodoo doll was velcroed to the dash. And it has been there ever since. A lot of the bus riders got a big kick out of the doll. And you thought small towns are boring!

Fast forward to yesterday when an acquaintance asked me if I could knit two voodoo dolls for her. So here they are plus a photo of the original one.

No persons were harmed by the voodoo dolls by the way. Just so you know.

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