Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Making Changes to Knitting Patterns

 Brrr! We're having some cold weather here in Cobalt. I feel like hibernating. Hmmm....maybe that explains my knitting all these bears. This will be the last one for the time being. So bear with me for one more day. OK, I'll get serious now. I made this bear to show how easy it is to make changes to a knitting pattern. This little bear was knitted with the same pattern as the two previous ones. The reason he is so much tinier is because I used finer yarn and thinner needles. The first two bears were knitted with worsted on 3.5 mm needles and the one today was knitted with fingering yarn on 2.25mm needles. You can see the big difference in size that made. You can also make changes to knitting patterns by changing the number of rows and stitches. You might want to do this if you wish to use the same yarn or just make a small change to the size.

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