Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Sitting Knitted Teddy Bear

Today I finished another knitted teddy bear. I used the same pattern as for the first bear but I used a different type of yarn and made a few changes so he can sit. The yarn I used this time was firmer and so I had to stuff him tighter. It made the bear not as cuddly and huggable as the first one. The first bear is filled with soft, springy polyester stuffing.  It's amazing what a difference changing the yarn and type of stuffing can make to the appearance and feel of knitted toys and other items.

Today's bear has been stuffed with yarn ends. Whenever I cut the yarn I keep the ends in a plastic bag. In time there is enough to use as stuffing. I like to recycle and reuse what I can.

Here is the new teddy bear

Here he is with his friend.

A close up of his cute face.

My bag of yarn ends.

I'm not quite happy with this teddy bear pattern yet. There have to be some little changes made. I enjoy knitting but sewing the pieces together are not anyway near as much fun. I never did care for sewing much and even less now because the arthritis makes it more difficult. Too bad our bodies couldn't stay as young as we feel. But I'm not complaining. I can still do what I enjoy even if I am slower at it now. TTFN

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