Friday, July 15, 2011

Hello everyone. A few weeks ago a friend of mine mentioned needing a plastic apron to keep her clothes from getting wet when doing dishes. I told her I had the same problem and we thought about different ways to make such an apron. Now I love aprons and I had  several ideas I wanted to try but I'm not fond of sewing by hand and I don't have a sewing machine. So I thought why not knit one. It would have to be cotton yarn but all I had were odds and ends left over from when I had a dish cloth and soap bag knitting frenzy.

After two false starts I came up with this. By the time I had the darn thing knitted  I was in absolutely no mood to knit the ties and just made the twisted cords instead. You would think something as simple as an apron would be easy to design. Hah! Knitted fabric is heavy so the darn thing sags. Also it is too busy looking what with all the different colors. But hey I used up a lot of my cotton yarn stash.

I tried to get a photo of me wearing it to show you how it looks on but it was scary-funny. Darn it's hard to get a good photo if you have to take it yourself, lol. I still have enough yarn left to make several small items. Let's hope they turn out better. Bye for now.

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