Friday, July 22, 2011

Knitted Black Fly and Bee

Hi all. I hope you are all enjoying the summer weather. Where I live we have a lot of black flies late spring and early summer and  mosquitos till first frost. I made some changes on my knitted black flies and mosquitos because I wasn't too pleased with the way I did the wings and legs on the earlier versions. I'm much happier with these ones. And these guys neither bite nor sting you.

I made dangly legs with little beads for feet. The wings were knitted with a sparkly yarn and a worsted weight one together. This way they were a little firmer and had some shine to them. I used worsted yarn also for the body of the bee and black fly. And I thought I would add a stinger to the bee though in the photo it doesn't show up too well.

I'm working on a few ideas to make my photos better. There is so much to learn and whenever I learn one thing I find out that there is still more I want to learn whether it is about photography, knitting, jewelry making or whatever. Oh my.  But that is a good thing, isn't it?

Here is the revised version of the black fly from the back showing his dangly legs.

And here he is showing his great big teeth. Yes the black flies in northern Ontario are particularly deadly.

The revised bee showing his stinger.

The face of the bee.

And showing his wings better.

The mosqitos are also getting a makeover plus I am planning to make a few other flying critters between working on other projects. Come back often to visit, you never know what might fly in here.

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