Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Knitted Goose

Hi. I hope you all had a great Christmas. I was and still am busy making new knitted toys. This will be a short post as I have to also work out a new goal plan for 2011. I've had to make some changes and am finalizing my plans now to be ready after New Year's. Hope you enjoy my little knitted goose. She was a Christmas present for a friend. I'll be back after the New Year.     HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Busy Making Christmas Gifts

My cactus is getting buds again.

My take of a Victorian style jug cover.

Tried something. Don't quite like it.

This spider lived in my bathroom for about a month. Left for parts unknown.

Big mushroom in a tree.

Monday we were snowed in my building until around noon. It had snowed like crazy during the night with the wind creating huge drifts against the doors. Well it was the 13th lol. Good day to try to finish the gifts I am making. I can't show anything until after Christmas. But here are some photos for now. I am also in the process of making some changes to my goal plans. More on that later as well. There will be lots of interesting new things after the new year. I'll tell (and show) you all about it then. And hopefully by then I'll have figured out to get the photos where I want them.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Designing is Work. Really.

I happen to work at something I enjoy. Writing, designing jewelry, developing recipes, taking photographs and so forth. I'm not alone in this. Many people make a living being creative in one way or another. Some like me are just starting out and others have spent a lifetime at it.

Now here is where the problem is. Some people have no qualms about asking for the pattern, recipe, whatever. They expect to be given it with a smile and with no thought of all the effort that went into it. Further some expect you to feel honored to be asked and are offended when you say no. I say get your hand out of my pocket. Maybe it doesn't seem like work to you and yes I enjoy what I do but why should I give it away for free. I want to make my living with this. Not give it away.

Do you ask the local baker for that darling loaf of bread? Or an artist for a free painting because you can't afford the price being asked for it? Of course not. So don't ask me for free patterns, recipes or even the actual item. I have no problem giving away some things for free. I enjoy doing that. Occasionally. When I feel like it. Because it makes me happy to do so. But I won't give anything away because it is expected of me.

Let me give you a quick example. To design the teddy bear I had to spend many hours working out the pattern. The first try was not quite right as the proportions were wrong. What I thought would look okay ended up looking just plain ridiculous when actually knitted. After some adjustments I got it right. There are one or two wee changes I might make but the bear is fine as he is. All this takes time. Coming up with the idea, working out the pattern and then making the item is not a snap of the fingers. It can take a few hours or many days depending on the item.

Then I have to sell the item and/or the pattern. More effort on my part. And I should give it away for free? Nah-uh!  If I was just fooling around to amuse myself that would be different. Well, I am amusing myself but in a serious way as I want to earn a living by this.

I'm not the only one to feel this way. Now I realize some of those who ask for freebies are just thoughtless. After all there are a lot of people giving away their designs, either some or all. That's their choice. But there are those like myself who do it for a living.

Something to think about folks.

By the way, there are literally thousands of free patterns out there. There are videos that show you how to do the basics up to the most complicated techniques. There are step by step written instructions with photos or illustrations for practically anything.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Fuzzy Teddy Bear Toy

Here in Cobalt it's been snowing since Sunday. The wind is so icy cold it takes you forever to warm up once you're back inside. Brrr! Good weather to stay indoors and catch up on my knitting. I designed a teddy bear toy. He's a  soft and fuzzy bear. Not quite perfect as he is the first teddy bear I finished. I am working on another bear but he's going to be growling and showing his teeth. He definitely is not going to be a cuddly teddy bear. More like a hungry grizzly. You'll see him in the New Year.

I am still way behind. There are presents to make yet and there are less than 3 weeks till Christmas. How does it happen that Christmas sneaks up on one so easily? You think there is lots of time yet and then BOOM! Christmas is just around the corner.

Next year I will  have more time to work on my teddy bears and other toys and dolls. I am in the process of making some necessary changes. For now I hope you will enjoy having a look at my teddy bear. TTFN