Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Busy Making Christmas Gifts

My cactus is getting buds again.

My take of a Victorian style jug cover.

Tried something. Don't quite like it.

This spider lived in my bathroom for about a month. Left for parts unknown.

Big mushroom in a tree.

Monday we were snowed in my building until around noon. It had snowed like crazy during the night with the wind creating huge drifts against the doors. Well it was the 13th lol. Good day to try to finish the gifts I am making. I can't show anything until after Christmas. But here are some photos for now. I am also in the process of making some changes to my goal plans. More on that later as well. There will be lots of interesting new things after the new year. I'll tell (and show) you all about it then. And hopefully by then I'll have figured out to get the photos where I want them.

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