Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Fuzzy Teddy Bear Toy

Here in Cobalt it's been snowing since Sunday. The wind is so icy cold it takes you forever to warm up once you're back inside. Brrr! Good weather to stay indoors and catch up on my knitting. I designed a teddy bear toy. He's a  soft and fuzzy bear. Not quite perfect as he is the first teddy bear I finished. I am working on another bear but he's going to be growling and showing his teeth. He definitely is not going to be a cuddly teddy bear. More like a hungry grizzly. You'll see him in the New Year.

I am still way behind. There are presents to make yet and there are less than 3 weeks till Christmas. How does it happen that Christmas sneaks up on one so easily? You think there is lots of time yet and then BOOM! Christmas is just around the corner.

Next year I will  have more time to work on my teddy bears and other toys and dolls. I am in the process of making some necessary changes. For now I hope you will enjoy having a look at my teddy bear. TTFN

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