Monday, May 23, 2011

Knitted Mosquito

Hi everyone! We've been having lovely weather here in Cobalt. I finally got to put my garden (such as it is) out on the balcony. My cucumbers are all of 1/4" long lol. Everything is growing fine. And I have been busy walking around Cobalt taking dozens of photos. And knitting a  mosquito in several different variations, one of which I have for you today.

I tried different ways to make the mosquito's "needle" and this way was the simplest but I'm not quite happy with it. I also came up with various ways to make the legs and wings but am still working on ways to make them better. Got a few more ideas to try.

I want to make a standing version and have an idea for it which I will try with a smaller mosquito as this guy is too big for it to work. Look for more knitted mosquito variations in the weeks to come as well as other creepy crawlies as I have more in the works.

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