Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Zigzag Knitted Scarf

Winter is almost over. YAY!  Soon I can start my balcony garden. Get all the little plants out there so they can grow into yummy veggies. I love my veggies!

Here are two knitted scarf patterns that I designed this winter. The second one isn't finished as I just wanted to try out the pattern with some yarn ends to see how it looked. Now I plan to finish all those projects that I started and left "for the time being" and never did get back to.

Do any of you have a backlog of projects waiting to be finished? And what are they if any? Me?  I have a growly bear, two dolls, a ladybug, a spider and a bumble bee to finish. That's just the knitting. There are also several jewelry pieces I need to finish. Gotta run...I hear them calling me.

Here is the finished one.

This is is the "try out" piece to see how the second pattern looks

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